Pia-no-jaC - Discography (2008-2015) Hi-Res

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Title: Discography
Year Of Release: 2008-2015
Label: Shinko Music / シンコーミュージック
Genre: Jazz, Classical, Instrumental, Piano
Quality: FLAC (tacks+.cue,log) / FLAC (tracks) 24bit-96kHz
Total Time: 6:39:26
Total Size: 852 Mb / 4.62 Gb

1st Album First Contact 2008 (Hi-Res)

01. 組曲「  」 (6:14)
02. 蝕 (4:34)
03. うさぎDASH (3:55)
04. 花音 ~カノン~ (4:28)
05. blue moon (3:41)
06. Jack (4:07)

It's neither jazz nor classical. The simple sounds of piano and cajon. A new type of music called "hybrid instrumental" is born here.

2nd Album EAT A CLASSIC 2009 (FLAC)

01. J.S.バッハ:小フーガト短調 (3:56)
02. チャイコフスキー/ジャック.オッフェンバック組曲<くるみ割り人形>から第4曲 トレパーク<ロシア人の踊り> 作品71a/オペレッタ「地獄のオルフェ」より地獄のギャロップ (3:30)
03. チャイコフスキーバレエ音楽<白鳥の湖> 第2幕「情景」 (7:03)
04. ジョルジュ.ビゼー歌劇「カルメン」より第1幕への前奏曲 (3:03)
05. ジョルジュ.ビゼー歌劇「カルメン」よりハバネラ (3:49)
06. ベートーベン交響曲 第9番 ニ短調 作品125 「合唱」 第4楽章 (3:40)

3rd Album Wind God and Thunder God/風神雷神 2009/2016 (Hi-Res)

01. 台風 (5:22)
02. Time Limit (4:40)
03. 夜桜 ~yozakura~ (7:01)
04. CROSSBEAT(s) (3:23)
05. 花火 ~HANABI~ (6:26)
06. ダイナマイト (4:57)

This is the third album by the instrumental unit consisting of HAYATO (Piano) and HIRO (Cajon). The album explores the Japanese spirit, inspired by the "Yamato Spirit" that was awakened during an overseas performance during the production of this album.

4th Album EAT A CLASSIC 2 2009 (FLAC)

01. ヴィヴァルディ,ヴァイオリン協奏曲「四季」より「春」第1楽章 (4:01)
02. ラヴェル ,ボレロ (6:22)
03. ドヴォルザーク,交響曲第9番 ホ短調 作品95「新世界より」第4楽章 (4:36)
04. ベートーヴェン,交響曲第5番 ハ短調 作品67「運命」 (4:13)
05. Medley ~ロッシーニ , ウィリアム・テル序曲~ (5:07)
06. ヨハン・シュトラウス , 美しく青きドナウ (5:00)

5th Album THIS WAY UP 2010/2016 (Hi-Res)

01. Chaos in “Em” (4:01)
02. 残月 (2:56)
03. The Last Resort (2:36)
04. Spin Doll (5:01)
05. それでも猫は追いかける (3:28)
06. 輪舞曲 ~Rondo~ (3:37)
07. Friends (5:54)

7th Album EAT A CLASSIC 3 2011 (FLAC)

01. ジ・エンターテイナー (4:39)
02. 熊蜂の飛行 (2:26)
03. 結婚行進曲 (4:55)
04. ワルキューレの騎行 (6:30)
05. 威風堂々 (3:46)
06. 幻想即興曲 (5:11)

9th Album Akatsuki/暁 2012/2016 (Hi-Res)

01. Paradiso (6:43)
02. Fairy Dolce (5:58)
03. Fantasista (4:46)
04. 雪月花 (6:09)
05. 獅子奮迅 (4:52)
06. PEACE (6:06)

This is an album released in March 2012 by →Pia-no-jaC←, an instrumental unit consisting of piano and cajon. After releasing their greatest hits album, they have entered their second chapter, and on this album they play many numbers that are filled with prayers for the future of Japan.

10th Album EAT A CLASSIC 4 2012 (FLAC)

01. Night on Bald Mountain (4:24)
02. The Planets Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity (3:26)
03. Hungarian Dance No.5 (3:45)
04. Deux Arabesques Andantino con moto (4:32)
05. Fur Elise (5:28)
06. Gymnopedies No.1 (5:40)

11th Album Re:EARTH 2013/2016 (Hi-Res)

01. METROPOLIS (5:50)
02. Savanna (5:48)
03. Flor do Sol (5:01)
04. Triad (5:21)
05. “Destruction” a moll Op.1,No.38 (4:07)
06. 風雅 (5:01)
07. Evergreen (7:20)

Following on from their previous album "EAT A CLASSIC 4", this is their 11th album, released on November 20th, 2013. The album is themed on the Earth and features seven original gems, filled with innovative world music.

12th Album EAT A CLASSIC 5 2014 (FLAC)

01. アイネクライネ (6:10)
02. G線上のアリア (4:16)
03. トルコ行進曲 (4:59)
04. グリーンスリーブス (5:22)
05. ハッピーバースデー (4:03)
06. ラデツキー行進曲 (4:05)

13th Album BLOOD 2015 (Hi-Res)

01. TASOGARE (7:50)
02. Tears (5:38)
03. Nostalgia (5:12)
04. Binary Star (7:21)
06. FILMS (5:05)
07. Sicilia di mare aperto (4:36)

The 13th album was released on September 19, 2015. Starting with "TASOGARE," which was created with the sunset of an old European castle as its motif, the band creates melodies and grooves that evoke European scenes.

→Pia-no-jaC← ONE NIGHT STRINGS (Digest) 2015 (Hi-Res)

01. 交響曲 第9番 ニ短調 作品125 「合唱」 第4楽章 (5:56)
02. 台風 (7:41)
03. 花音-カノン- (6:59)
04. Destruction' a moll Op.1,No.38 (7:25)
05. アイネクライネ (6:00)
06. METROPOLIS (10:01
07. ジムノペディ 第1番 (7:55)
08. PEACE (8:329)

An instrumental unit consisting of HAYATO (piano) and HIRO (cajon). The arrows on →Pia-no-jaC← are meant to be read as "Piano" from the left and "Cajon" from the right. The meaning behind the name is "Taking over the live space with two instruments, piano and cajon".

Although the composition is simple, consisting of only keyboards and percussion, the thrilling and profound performance, in which the powerful and intense piano melodies and the distinctive sound of the cajon compete with each other, has the power of an orchestra.

They have established a novel genre called "hybrid instrumental" that is neither jazz nor classical.

FLAC : 2,4,7,10,12-th albums / Hi-Res : 1,3,5,9,11,13-th albums.