Jethro Tull
Year Of Release:
1971 / 2001
Chrysalis / Toshiba-EMI Ltd. #TOCP-65882
Progressive Rock, Folk Rock, Art Rock
EAC Rip -> FLAC (Img+Cue,Log) / MP3 CBR320
Total Time: 01:15:28
Total Size: 391 / 191 Mb (Covers)
Album Preview
The leap from 1970's Benefit to the following year's Aqualung is one of the most astonishing progressions in rock history. In the space of one album, Tull went from relatively unassuming electrified folk-rock to larger-than-life conceptual rock full of sophisticated compositions and complex, intellectual, lyrical constructs. While the leap to full-blown prog rock wouldn't be taken until a year later on Thick as a Brick, the degree to which Tull upped the ante here is remarkable.
The lyrical concept -- the hypocrisy of Christianity in England -- is stronger than on most other '70s conceptual efforts, but it's ultimately the music that makes it worthy of praise. Tull's winning way with a riff was never so arresting as on the chugging "Locomotive Breath," or on the character studies "Cross Eyed Mary" and "Aqualung," which portray believably seedy participants in Ian Anderson's story. The fable imagery of "Mother Goose" and the vitriolic anti-authoritarian sentiments of "Wind Up" both serve notice of Anderson's willful iconoclasm and his disillusionment with the spiritual traditions to which he was born. Varied but cohesive, Aqualung is widely regarded as Tull's finest hour.
~ Rovi Staff, All Music
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Track List:01. Aqualung [0:06:37.32]
02. Cross-Eyed Mary [0:04:09.30]
03. Cheap Day Returns [0:01:23.30]
04. Mother Goose [0:03:53.25]
05. Wond'ring Aloud [0:01:55.58]
06. Up To Me [0:03:14.55]
07. My God [0:07:12.67]
08. Hymn 43 [0:03:19.08]
09. Slipstream [0:01:13.25]
10. Locomotive Breath [0:04:26.27]
11. Wind Up [0:06:07.65]
12. Lick Your Fingers Clean (Bonus Track) [0:02:46.20]
13. Wind Up (Quad Version) [0:05:23.38]
14. Excerpts from The Ian Anderson Interview [0:13:58.52]
15. Songs For Jeffrey (BBC Sessions) [0:02:51.15]
16. Fat Man (BBC Sessions) [0:02:56.68]
17. Bouree (BBC Sessions) [0:03:58.25]
Personnel:Bass Guitar, Alto Recorder, Voice [Odd Voices] - Jeffrey Hammond
Drums, Percussion - Clive Bunker
Electric Guitar, Recorder [Descant] - Martin Barre
Flute, Acoustic Guitar, Vocals - Ian Anderson
Piano, Organ, Mellotron - John Evan
Exact Audio Copy V1.3 from 2. September 2016
EAC extraction logfile from 17. December 2019, 17:07
Jethro Tull / Aqualung [TOCP-65882]
Used drive : HL-DT-STBD-RE BH10LS38 Adapter: 1 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 667
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 128 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files (x86)\Exact Audio Copy\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -V -8 -T "Date=%year%" -T "Genre=%genre%" %source%
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 6:37.32 | 0 | 29806
2 | 6:37.32 | 4:09.30 | 29807 | 48511
3 | 10:46.62 | 1:23.30 | 48512 | 54766
4 | 12:10.17 | 3:53.25 | 54767 | 72266
5 | 16:03.42 | 1:55.58 | 72267 | 80949
6 | 17:59.25 | 3:14.55 | 80950 | 95554
7 | 21:14.05 | 7:12.67 | 95555 | 128021
8 | 28:26.72 | 3:19.08 | 128022 | 142954
9 | 31:46.05 | 1:13.25 | 142955 | 148454
10 | 32:59.30 | 4:26.27 | 148455 | 168431
11 | 37:25.57 | 6:07.65 | 168432 | 196021
12 | 43:33.47 | 2:46.20 | 196022 | 208491
13 | 46:19.67 | 5:23.38 | 208492 | 232754
14 | 51:43.30 | 13:58.52 | 232755 | 295656
15 | 65:42.07 | 2:51.15 | 295657 | 308496
16 | 68:33.22 | 2:56.68 | 308497 | 321764
17 | 71:30.15 | 3:58.25 | 321765 | 339639
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename D:\Rips by Alder\Jethro Tull - Aqualung [TOCP-65882].wav
Peak level 89.1 %
Extraction speed 8.2 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC C50E7EC7
Copy CRC C50E7EC7
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 12) [9CD81EB9], AccurateRip returned [865A3309] (AR v2)
Track 2 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 12) [39D95533], AccurateRip returned [C32C4E20] (AR v2)
Track 3 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 12) [01879393], AccurateRip returned [3CEAEA33] (AR v2)
Track 4 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 12) [CA6E8715], AccurateRip returned [A8ABC487] (AR v2)
Track 5 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 12) [3E147C96], AccurateRip returned [74F21B9A] (AR v2)
Track 6 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 12) [FB384DF1], AccurateRip returned [B9A60367] (AR v2)
Track 7 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 12) [A64BD61F], AccurateRip returned [504547D6] (AR v2)
Track 8 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 12) [9871B260], AccurateRip returned [F578F188] (AR v2)
Track 9 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 12) [A17753F8], AccurateRip returned [44021742] (AR v2)
Track 10 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 12) [1DFDC253], AccurateRip returned [4CBF0A73] (AR v2)
Track 11 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 12) [D4FDFD5F], AccurateRip returned [0D418F6F] (AR v2)
Track 12 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 12) [AC424ABC], AccurateRip returned [22F48CA6] (AR v2)
Track 13 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 10) [20A8ABE5], AccurateRip returned [3155EB84] (AR v2)
Track 14 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 10) [D5B0DB2C], AccurateRip returned [901DC20D] (AR v2)
Track 15 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 10) [5ECA8A2F], AccurateRip returned [1543A162] (AR v2)
Track 16 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 10) [3ED97C9C], AccurateRip returned [CB234DB5] (AR v2)
Track 17 cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 10) [11D376BB], AccurateRip returned [BB2B5E76] (AR v2)
No tracks could be verified as accurate
You may have a different pressing from the one(s) in the database
End of status report
---- CUETools DB Plugin V2.1.6
[CTDB TOCID: yAwHqo0dkBZweegBwVQ11T4Zmwc-] found
Submit result: yAwHqo0dkBZweegBwVQ11T4Zmwc- has been confirmed
Track | CTDB Status
1 | (67/67) Accurately ripped
2 | (67/67) Accurately ripped
3 | (62/67) Accurately ripped
4 | (62/67) Accurately ripped
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==== Log checksum 1F362361B5F7361418695AB87A5E022E0A56984F6E75B1C44372B1A76390EA2A ====
[CUETools log; Date: 01.04.2020 19:43:13; Version: 2.1.6]
[CTDB TOCID: yAwHqo0dkBZweegBwVQ11T4Zmwc-] found.
Track | CTDB Status
1 | (72/72) Accurately ripped
2 | (72/72) Accurately ripped
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16 | (67/72) Accurately ripped
17 | (67/72) Accurately ripped
[AccurateRip ID: 002bd4e6-02327f1e-0111b011] found.
Track [ CRC | V2 ] Status
01 [ae8d5087|9cd81eb9] (00+00/59) No match
02 [44137104|39d95533] (00+00/59) No match
03 [90852287|01879393] (00+00/59) No match
04 [d8a41ba9|ca6e8715] (00+00/59) No match
05 [faad9181|3e147c96] (00+00/60) No match
06 [c8959512|fb384df1] (00+00/60) No match
07 [65db2c27|a64bd61f] (00+00/59) No match
08 [f8fd5717|9871b260] (00+00/60) No match
09 [97054a53|a17753f8] (00+00/60) No match
10 [90df922d|1dfdc253] (00+00/60) No match
11 [9e5b87b0|d4fdfd5f] (00+00/60) No match
12 [f7c9dd35|ac424abc] (00+00/57) No match
13 [c366a1ea|20a8abe5] (00+00/55) No match
14 [8a5e280d|d5b0db2c] (00+00/50) No match
15 [c4466442|5eca8a2f] (00+00/52) No match
16 [bcaf85d6|3ed97c9c] (00+00/51) No match
17 [a107f097|11d376bb] (00+00/52) No match
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01 [ad603651] (06/59) Accurately ripped
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Offsetted by -664:
01 [a647a18f] (00/59) No match (V2 was not tested)
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04 [9ce95956] (00/59) No match (V2 was not tested)
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07 [12442295] (00/59) No match (V2 was not tested)
08 [1fb67c96] (00/60) No match (V2 was not tested)
09 [06918954] (00/60) No match (V2 was not tested)
10 [ea31e95d] (00/60) No match (V2 was not tested)
11 [091e95f6] (00/60) No match (V2 was not tested)
12 [e688ec42] (00/57) No match (V2 was not tested)
13 [22f1bb3f] (00/55) No match (V2 was not tested)
14 [ff341af5] (00/50) No match (V2 was not tested)
15 [21979ab2] (00/52) No match (V2 was not tested)
16 [19b2d660] (00/51) No match (V2 was not tested)
17 [f9ddca45] (00/52) No match (V2 was not tested)
Offsetted by 1044:
01 [b0c35beb] (00/59) No match (V2 was not tested)
02 [340fa3fc] (00/59) No match (V2 was not tested)
03 [bc64fab7] (00/59) No match (V2 was not tested)
04 [e88a70c0] (00/59) No match (V2 was not tested)
05 [cb3e6642] (00/60) No match (V2 was not tested)
06 [3d3d4933] (00/60) No match (V2 was not tested)
07 [ae9297f6] (00/59) No match (V2 was not tested)
08 [45a4f4c2] (00/60) No match (V2 was not tested)
09 [370e6d58] (00/60) No match (V2 was not tested)
10 [65972b05] (00/60) No match (V2 was not tested)
11 [4288f1ef] (00/60) No match (V2 was not tested)
12 [a2f6a96f] (00/57) No match (V2 was not tested)
13 [affca14d] (00/55) No match (V2 was not tested)
14 [ff6420e1] (00/50) No match (V2 was not tested)
15 [a53747ba] (00/52) No match (V2 was not tested)
16 [40082772] (00/51) No match (V2 was not tested)
17 [5d08a807] (00/52) No match (V2 was not tested)
Offsetted by 1777:
01 [e26079fc] (00/59) No match (V2 was not tested)
02 [f1e3c6ca] (00/59) No match (V2 was not tested)
03 [39400d62] (00/59) No match (V2 was not tested)
04 [192b0e52] (00/59) No match (V2 was not tested)
05 [e803efee] (00/60) No match (V2 was not tested)
06 [09c655d4] (00/60) No match (V2 was not tested)
07 [2e16454b] (00/59) No match (V2 was not tested)
08 [0d21e25d] (00/60) No match (V2 was not tested)
09 [51663275] (00/60) No match (V2 was not tested)
10 [96a64b8b] (00/60) No match (V2 was not tested)
11 [fbf2f2a9] (00/60) No match (V2 was not tested)
12 [038cff65] (00/57) No match (V2 was not tested)
13 [83d92426] (00/55) No match (V2 was not tested)
14 [96b4176e] (00/50) No match (V2 was not tested)
15 [cc7775a8] (00/52) No match (V2 was not tested)
16 [c6d781fd] (00/51) No match (V2 was not tested)
17 [d818b583] (00/52) No match (V2 was not tested)
Track Peak [ CRC32 ] [W/O NULL] [ LOG ]
-- 89,1 [C50E7EC7] [8C81C974] CRC32
01 89,1 [78742D19] [3EAF63F1]
02 89,1 [D921E7DA] [9F17E033]
03 57,1 [14AFB852] [7B35296F]
04 75,8 [5CDACA5F] [ABCB323A]
05 67,2 [D08782B6] [CF78BEF9]
06 89,1 [D672ED62] [8649DAFD]
07 79,4 [B0770277] [43024F7E]
08 79,4 [5473AFFC] [DB1F9F0F]
09 58,5 [042E53EB] [2230BC21]
10 84,1 [F78F7A49] [333E947B]
11 89,1 [09188D13] [07C591DA]
12 82,2 [44F01A03] [C4A1AAB5]
13 76,3 [46BAA715] [E6BE89DD]
14 55,3 [81E9C7CC] [15013826]
15 64,8 [EBA7AF2B] [BDB0F707]
16 79,4 [55D59B11] [CE030DC5]
17 79,4 [F5EEE022] [80DA72C3]