Profeti della Quinta - Rappresentatione Di Giuseppe E I Suoi Fratelli (2014/2020)

  • 27 May, 10:07
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Title: Rappresentatione Di Giuseppe E I Suoi Fratelli
Year Of Release: 2014/2020
Label: Pan Classics
Genre: Classical
Quality: FLAC (tracks+booklet)
Total Time: 85:57 min
Total Size: 428 MB

Profeti della Quinta - Rappresentatione Di Giuseppe E I Suoi Fratelli (2014/2020)


Disc: 1
1. Sinfonia a 5
2. Vayeshev Ya'akov Be'eretz Megurey Aviv, Be'eretz Kena'an
3. Vayachalom Yosef Chalom Vayaged Le'echav, Vayosifu Od Seno Oto
4. Vayachalom Od Chalom Acher, Vaysaper Oto Le'echav, Vayomer
5. Vayeleche Echav Lir'ot Et-tzon Avihem BiSh'chem
6. Vayhi Ka'asher-ba Yosef El-echav, Vayafshitu Et- Yosef Et-kutonto
7. Sinfonia a Grave a 3
8. Vayesheve Le'echol-lechem, Vayis'u Eyneyhem Vayir'u
9. Vaya'avru Anashim Midyanim Socharim, Vayimshechu
10. Vayashov Re'uven El-habor, Vehineh Eyn-Yosef Babor
11. Vayikchu Et-ketonet Yosef, Vayishchatu Se'ir Izim
12. Sinfonia a 5 - Sonata a 3
13. VeYosef Hurad Mitzraymah
14. Vayhi Kehayom Hazeh, Vayavo Habaytah, Ve'eyn Ish Me'anshey Habayit Sham Babayit
15. Sinfonia a 5
16. Vayhi Achar Hadevarim Ha'eleh
17. Vaysaper Sar-hamashkim Et-chalomo LeYosef, Vayomer Lo
18. Vayhi Bayom Hashelishi, Yom Huledet Et-Par' Oh
19. Sinfonia a 4
20. Vayhi Miketz Shenatayim Yamim - Gagliarda Detta Delle Buone - Vehineh Sheva' Parot Acherot Olot Acha
21. Vayishan Vayachalom Shenit - Gagliarda Detta Delle Buone - Vehineh Sheva' Shibolim - Gagliarda Detta
22. Vayhi Vaboker, Vatipa'em Rucho
23. Vayomer Par'oh El-Yosef - Gagliarda Detta Delle Buone E Le Brutte - Vayomer Yosef El-Par'oh
24. Vayomer Par'oh El-Yosef
25. VeYosef Ben-sheloshím Shanah Be'omdo Lifney Par'oh Melech-Mitzrayim

Disc: 2
1. Sinfonia a 5
2. Vayar Ya'akov Ki Yesh-shever BeMitzrayim, Vayomer Levanav
3. Vayizkor Yosef Et Hachalomot Asher Chalam Lahem, Vayomer Alehem
4. Vehem Lo Yade'u Ki Shomea' Yosef
5. Sinfonia a 4
6. Vayavo'u El-Ya'akov Avihem Artzah Kena'an
7. Vehara'av Kaved Ba'aretz
8. Vayikchu Ha'anashim Et-haminchah Hazot
9. Haboker Or, Veha'anashim Shulechu Hemah Vachamoreyhem
10. Vaychapes, Bagadol Hechel Uvakaton Kilah
11. Bi Adoni Yedaber-na Avdecha Davar
12. Velo-yachol Yosef Lehit'apek, Vayikra
13. Sonata a 3
14. Vaya'alu MiMitzrayim, Vayavo'u Eretz

Using the musical language and context of the revolutionary musical dramas by Cavalieri, Caccini and Monteverdi, Elam Rotem's piece tells the story of Joseph and his brethren: one of the most touching stories of the Old Testament. The drama was composed by Rotem especially for his ensemble Profeti della Quinta, and is set for five voices, instruments and basso-continuo. The text is taken directly from the book of Genesis, sung in its original Hebrew (the booklet contains translations in English, French and German). As written in the preface to Emilio de Cavalieri's 'Rappresentatione di Anima e di Corpo' (1600, Rome), the aim of music is to move the feelings of the listeners: 'mercy and happiness, crying and laughter' The 'Rappresentatione di Giuseppe e i suoi Fratelli' follows this ideal, aiming to stir the emotions of the listeners, even the doubtful ones.